All COOPLOK grooved couplings are UL Listed and FM Approved for schedule 10, schedule 40 steel pipe and sprinkler pipe. Maximum Working Pressure 500 PSI depending on the size and schedule of the pipe being used.
Gasket Style

Sprinkler Pipe Approvals
SCI COOPLOK Grooved Couplings are UL LIsted and FM approved forThe following types of sprinkler pipe
- Dyna-Thread, Central-Thread, XL, XL-II, Dyna-Flow, Super-Flow
- Eddylite, Eddy Flow, Eddy Thread 40
- Gal-7
- EZ-Flow
- WLS, Mega-Flow, Mega-Thread, MLT, GL
- Steady Flow, Steady Thread
- Fire-Flow, EZ-Thread
- Tex-Flow
- SPS flow